Principal is a 142-year-old financial services firm. We have over 18,000 employees that are really passionate about making financial security accessible to more people and businesses around the globe. We offer asset management, retirement, and insurance products that really help our 49 million customers navigate uncertainty and change and improve their long-term wealth and well-being. People are really experiencing the speed and simplicity of the cloud. And they're expecting a lot more from us in their interactions with the way they interact day to day with different companies they're used to. And so as we start to look at how Principal can become a more tech-forward, data-driven company that can offer those same seamless customer experiences, it was really important for us to leverage that technology that can really help us and infrastructure that's going to help us meet those ever-changing customer needs. The AWS Skills Guild framework has really given us a great platform to really bring innovation to our employees. Our employees are just really excited about this opportunity. It's such an empowering and enabling sort of platform for them to be able to take learning into their own hands. We've had immersion days, hackathons, cloud days. It's just there's been so many different options through our partnership with the AWS Skills Guild that has just really changed our culture into something that we're really striving to continue to invest in. So, we've really experienced unprecedented global collaboration. One of the great things that the Skills Guild has offered us is the ability to offer courses around the globe. So we have had events in places like Mexico, Chile, India, the UK, where we can offer learning on their time zone, during their workday, in their local language. And that's a huge differentiator for us as a global company. We're really empowering our employee base to really listen to those customer problems and really be able to solve them better. We recently acquired a large block of business from Wells Fargo. And as we brought them on board and really looked at the volume, some of our legacy applications within our finance space weren't able to scale through the Skills Guild and learning. Our teams were able to build some really new modern capabilities that were able to cut processing time down while doubling our volume. So we could get those payments out the doors to our customers more quickly. This is such a pivotal part of our business and growth strategy that us excelling and really accelerating our journey to the cloud is so important to meet those innovative customer needs.