S&P Target Date 2020 Index provides varying levels of exposure to equities and fixed income. Each target date allocation is created and retired according to a pre-determined schedule related to the respective target date.
Additional target date portfolios may be added to the Principal LifeTime Hybrid portfolios series to accommodate plan participants with later normal retirement dates as they enter the workforce. Participants may also choose a portfolio with a target date that does not match the intended retirement date. Compare the different portfolios to see how the mix of investments might shift.
International and global investing involves greater risks such as currency fluctuations, political/social instability and differing accounting standards.
Equity investment options involve greater risk, including heightened volatility, than fixed-income investment options. Fixed-income investment options are subject to interest rate risk, and their value will decline as interest rates rise.
For the Principal LifeTime Hybrid Collective Investment Funds (CITs), Total Investment Expense Net equals the sum of these expenses: (a) the amount of money, expressed as a percentage, deducted for the cost of managing the collective investment trust, and where applicable, plus (b) if the collective investment trust invests in an underlying mutual fund, separate account, or collective investment trust, the total investment operating expenses of the underlying investment option, as listed in the most recent prospectus if applicable.
The Principal LifeTime Hybrid Collective Investment Funds (CITs) are collective investment trusts maintained by Principal Global Investors Trust Company, (the Trust Company). The Trust Company has retained Principal Global Investors, LLC (the Adviser), to serve as investment adviser with respect to the CITs, subject to the Trust Company's supervision and review. The Adviser is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Principal Financial Group. Inc. and is under common control with the Trust Company. The Adviser also manages portfolios which may be included as underlying investments in the CITs. The Adviser receives management fees from these portfolios. The Adviser or other affiliates of the Trust Company may provide services to the CITs and may receive fees for such services. The CITs are available only to certain qualified retirement plans and governmental 457(b) plans.
Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. Additionally there is no guarantee this investment option will provide adequate income at or through retirement.
The Investment Advisor will display "Multiple Sub-Advisors" for certain target-date, target-risk and specialty investment options where the assets are directed by the Investment Manager to multiple underlying investment options. These underlying investment options may use multiple sub-advisors who are responsible for the day-to-day management responsibilities.
The Trust Company is regulated by the State of Oregon. Units of the CITs are not deposits or obligations of, guaranteed by, or insured by the Trust Company or any affiliate, and are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal or state government agency. The value of the CITs will fluctuate so that when redeemed, units may be worth more or less than the original cost. A copy of the participation agreement can be obtained from your plan administrator or investment contact.
There is no guarantee that a target date investment will provide adequate income at or through retirement. A target date fund's (TDF) glidepath is typically set to align with a retirement age of 65, which maybe your plan's normal retirement date (NRD). If your plan's NRD/age is different, the plan may default you to a TDF based on the plans NRD/Age. Participants may choose a TDF that does not match the plan's intended retirement date but instead aligns more to their investment risk. Compare the different TDF's to see how the mix of investments shift based on the TDF glide path.
Selecting a target date fund series is also authorizing any additional vintage which is launched by the investment provider for the series, and included in their associated materials, to be added to the plan after proper notification.
Fixed-income and asset allocation investment options that invest in mortgage securities are subject to increased risk due to real estate exposure.
For investment options, returns for all time periods, except the Since Inception time frame, may include the historical performance of the oldest share class of the investment, adjusted to reflect a portion of the fees and expenses of this share class. Since Inception returns display the actual return of this share class and do not reflect the adjusted returns of the oldest share class. Please see the fund's prospectus or if CIT, the offering document for more information on specific expenses, and the investment options most recent shareholder report for actual date of first sale. For a CIT, you may need to contact the plan sponsor or plan advisor, if applicable. Expenses are deducted from income earned by the investment option. As a result, dividends and investment results will differ for each share class.