A deep dive into the financial well-being of U.S. employers and employees. The research provides helpful insight into key workplace and employment trends in the small to midsize business marketplace through a steady cadence of surveys with new and recurring themes. WBI also compares employer sentiment with that of employees, offering a holistic perspective.
These insights help employers identify and implement solutions that position their business, their employees, and themselves to achieve greater financial security.

Business owners, decision makers, and leaders are balancing optimism about their own 12-month outlooks with declining confidence in the U.S. economy and their local economies. Employers and employees show gaps in retirement knowledge, including how much employees should save to live comfortably in retirement, and how much they can afford to withdraw annually in retirement without outliving their savings. Employers and employees also report rising levels of favorability regarding AI use at work.
Download full report (PDF)Businesses stay steady on their own growth but report significant declines in the financial health of their local economy and the U.S. economy.
Businesses that believe the following are “growing” (%)
- Their business
- Their local economy
- The U.S. economy

Principal Financial Well-Being IndexSM Wave 3 (PDF)
Principal Financial Well-Being IndexSM Wave 3 (PDF)
Principal Financial Well-Being IndexSM Wave 2 (PDF)
The WBI is recurring research used to track sentiment around repeated financial health measures and timely issues relevant to small and midsize businesses and their employees. Business owners, decision makers, and business leader participants who represent companies with between 2 to 10,000 employees and offer health insurance and/or retirement benefits (n=500) provide information by completing a 15 minute online survey. Research is also conducted with an employee audience of those 18 and older who are employed full time and have an employer who offers health insurance and/or retirement as a sponsored benefit (n=500). Access to sample is provided by Dynata, a third-party research panel provider.
The WBI was transformed in 2020 from an annual survey to a regular pulse survey offering three waves yearly. In March 2022, the employee audience was added to the survey to compare and contrast key sentiment from employers.
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