Financial education – webinar replays

Keep your credit on track: Tips, myths, and to-dos

Managing credit and debt wisely can make a big difference in your financial health. In this webinar, you’ll learn tips for building and rebuilding your credit, common credit score myths, and simple strategies that can help you pay down debt.

Join the next live webinar

Webinars are held the third Wednesday of every month at 1 p.m. CT.  Join live and chat with Principal representatives to get answers to your specific questions.

Looking to further elevate your financial wellness? You can now register for any webinars for the year. Visit our webinar series page to browse the full list.

Couldn’t make a live webinar or have a topic you’d like to revisit?

Catch up anytime with our library of replays. In less than 30 minutes, you can take a deeper dive into a financial topic that matters to you.

Saving for retirement

5 ways you can save for retirement today
There are many ways to enjoy your time in retirement, and many saving options to help you get there—from a 401(k) and IRA, to an HSA and an annuity. Learn the benefits of each and which options may be right for you.

Banking basics
When developing a financial strategy for retirement, using a bank and its products can sometimes be overlooked. In the January webinar, discover how banking can fit into your financial strategy for retirement.

Maximizing your retirement savings
With the many different types of retirement savings plans out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Understanding some simple steps you can take to maximize your retirement savings—whether it be through a 401(k), IRA, annuity, or health savings account—can help you determine the options best suited for your financial situation. You deserve to feel secure in retirement.

Saving for your future: 401(k)s and beyond
No matter what your age or stage of life, it’s not too late to start saving. While 401(k)s are the most common way to save for retirement, there are additional ways to help provide financial security for your future. Watch to discover additional ways to save beyond the traditional employer-sponsored plan, and how to maximize your savings strategy depending on your stage of life.

Retirement savings moves for your 30s, 40s, and 50s
We all want to watch our savings grow. This webinar talks through retirement savings moves to consider during difficult life stages. Watch for ideas that can help you reach your goals.

Roth vs pre-tax contributions
If you're like many people, you may have heard about Roth contributions but might not really know what they are or why you may use them to help you save for retirement. Learn more about what you should consider as you choose the option that's best for you.

Managing daily finances

Keep your credit on track: Tips, myths, and to-dos
Managing credit and debt wisely can make a big difference in your financial health. In this webinar, you’ll learn tips for building and rebuilding your credit, common credit score myths, and simple strategies that can help you pay down debt.

Your mid-year financial wellness checkup
Since we’re about halfway through the year, now is a great time to check in on your finances. Review a five-step checklist designed to help you track your financial goals.

Teaching kids smart money moves and saving habits
Talking to kids about money doesn’t have to be complicated. Learn how you can navigate these conversations with your children and make them a normal part of your daily lives. Supporting your child and helping them take steps toward financial success can be so rewarding

Navigating raising children and caring for aging parents
No matter what life stage you’re in—whether you’re preparing for a baby, raising children, or caring for your aging parents—there are many financial resources at your disposal that can help alleviate stress and financial burdens along the way.

Budgeting basics—discover ways you can budget better
As you begin your financial wellness journey, creating and sticking to a budget can be a great first step in practicing basic money management habits. Budgeting can also be a good way to help you achieve your short- and long-term financial goals—from paying off credit card debt, to saving for a down payment on a home.

Understanding and improving credit
Discover smart ways to manage and improve your credit to help you lead a more financially stable life.

Get a game plan: tackle debt and build emergency savings
No matter how much you make or what stage in life you’re in, it’s important to prioritize spending and saving to reach your financial goals. By creating a plan to tackle your debt and build an emergency fund, you can protect yourself from future unplanned expenses. Register to join us for the April webinar and learn how you could be on your way to a more financially secure future.

Reviewing your strategy

A woman’s guide to increasing healthspan and wealthspan
Discover how to elevate your health and wealth connection and invest in your future self. View the webinar to learn about the dynamic forces that are impacting women’s health and wealth today.

Help ensure peace of mind with an estate plan
Creating an estate plan can help you stay a step ahead. Right now, you can help protect your legacy and your loved ones with 10 estate planning tips.

Your mid-year financial wellness checkup
Since we’re about halfway through the year, now is a great time to check in on your finances. Review a five-step checklist designed to help you track your financial goals.

How to keep cool during market volatility
If the market’s ups and downs leave you feeling nervous, you’re not alone. Watch this webinar to discover why market volatility happens and how you can keep your emotions in check when making investment decisions.

Estate planning
While we can’t predict the future, one thing is for certain: if you leave questions unanswered about your wishes for the future, it can make things more difficult for your family. Creating and formalizing an estate plan is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones.

Investing principles
As you get older, your financial goals may become more substantial. Having the right investing knowledge—like investing early and often and the importance of diversifying —can help your money work for you in the long haul, allowing you to live a more financially secure life.

Nearing retirement

A deep dive into your Social Security benefits.
Social Security remains a cornerstone for most Americans’ retirement, but understanding the different benefit types can be overwhelming. Watch this webinar for a deeper look into Social Security benefits—so you can feel confident you’re making the right decisions for your future.

3 common questions on planning for health care in retirement
Health care costs are generally one of the largest expenses in retirement. Take the time to understand your options before you retire and be better prepared for the expected costs. You deserve to enjoy your retirement.

Six common questions about Social Security
As you start thinking about your retirement income plan, Social Security can surely be top of mind. However, it can be a complicated process to navigate. After viewing this webinar, you’ll be better prepared to answer six common questions about Social Security so you can feel confident in retirement.

Planning for retirement—or retiring again
You’ve worked for years to help ensure financial security for yourself and your loved ones. Now it’s time to think about retirement— whether it’s the first time you’re retiring or the second. Understanding how to set goals, when to take Social Security, why budgeting is important, and how to protect your legacy will help put you closer to a more secure retirement in the future. 

Planning for retirement health care
Understand your options for health care before you reach retirement and learn how to better help manage the expected costs.

Maximizing your Social Security benefit
The landscape of Social Security is changing. It may be more important than ever to continue to plan for retirement and stay up to date on your potential benefits. Watch to learn the latest on how much you could receive, when to take your benefit, how benefits are taxed, and more so you can make Social Security work best for you.

Looking for a webinar in Spanish?

We've compiled our most popular translated webinars all in one place. See Seminarios web en español below.

Ve nuestro seminario web más reciente

Descubre cómo maximizar tus ahorros para ayudar a sentir seguridad financiera durante el retiro.

Seminarios web en español

Maximiza tus ahorros para el retiro
Con tantos tipos de planes de ahorro para el retiro en existencia, puede ser desorientador saber por dónde empezar. Entender algunos de los pasos sencillos que puedes dar para aprovechar al máximo tus ahorros para el retiro (bien sea mediante un plan 401(k), cuenta IRA, renta vitalicia, o cuenta de ahorros para gastos médicos) puede ayudarte a determinar las opciones más convenientes en tu situación financiera. Tú mereces sentir seguridad cuando te retires.

Descubre las maneras de lograr en mejor presupuesto
Ve nuestro seminario web más reciente y descubre cómo puedes ayudar a lograr tus metas financieras a corto y largo plazo al crear y ajustarte a un presupuesto.

Seis preguntas frecuentes sobre el Seguro Social
Mientras estás planificando para el retiro, lo más probable es que el Seguro Social sea una de las primeras cosas que tienes en mente. Sin embargo, puede ser un proceso complicado cuando se acerca el momento del retiro. Ve este seminario web para conocer las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes acerca del Seguro Social para que puedas sentir mayor confianza respecto a tu retiro.

Principios de inversión: Cuatro conceptos clave
Con el pasar del tiempo, tus metas financieras pueden llegar a tener mayor importancia, por ejemplo, planificar para el depósito de una casa o pensar en la cantidad necesaria para retirarte cómodamente. Invertir sirve con las metas financieras a largo plazo y nunca es demasiado pronto ni demasiado tarde para comenzar. Conocer cómo invertir puede ayudar a que tu dinero te rinda más a la larga, para permitirte levar una vida con mayor seguridad financiera.

Guía de supervivencia ante la volatilidad del mercado y la inflación 
Si tus finanzas te inquietan dada la combinación de inflación y volatilidad del mercado, no eres solo tú. Quédate viendo nuestro video y aprende por qué hay inflación y cómo puedes manejar mejor sus efectos. También hablaremos de la volatilidad del mercado y compartiremos algunos consejos prácticos sobre cómo la diversificación de tus activos puede ser útil con tu portafolio sin tener que renunciar al crecimiento potencial.

Cinco maneras de empezar a manejar las finanzas inteligentemente
Independientemente de si estás apenas comenzando en tu carrera o ya tienes varios años de experiencia, puedes tomar decisiones hoy que pueden ayudarte a avanzar hacia un futuro con mayor seguridad financiera. No dejes de ver nuestro video para conocer cinco maneras sencillas de empezar a manejar las finanzas inteligentemente.

Inversiones: guía para principiantes
Si apenas estás empezando a interesarte en el tema de las inversiones o quieres saber más, esta sesión es para ti. Hablaremos de los aspectos básicos sobre las inversiones, los tipos de cuentas de inversión y cuatro conceptos clave para sentir más confianza con este tema.

Planifica tu cobertura de atención médica para la etapa del retiro
Uno de los mayores gastos en el retiro es el costo de la atención médica. Ve el seminario web y aprende más acerca de la cobertura de Medicare, las cuentas HSA, el seguro de atención médica a largo plazo y las maneras de pagar esos costos del cuidado de la salud.

Cinco pasos para crear un mejor presupuesto
Tener un presupuesto y cumplirlo puede ayudar a la hora de administrar los ingresos y gastos. Una vez que empieces, verás que crear un presupuesto es más fácil de lo que pensabas.

Planificación de patrimonio
Bien sea que estés estableciéndote en tu carrera o que hayas estado trabajando duro durante años para lograr tus metas financieras, la planificación del patrimonio puede ayudar a proteger tus cuentas formalmente, permitirte tener control sobre tus decisiones de salud y mantener a tus seres queridos. 

Cuidar a un ser querido de edad avanzada
En algún momento de nuestra vida, muchos tendremos que cuidar de algún ser querido en edad avanzada. Independientemente de la etapa que estés pasando como cuidador o cuidadora, es importante que tengas un plan que te permita manejar tus funciones sin descuidar tu propia vida. 

Echamos por tierra los mitos sobre el Seguro Social
Una de las partes más importantes de tu retiro es el Seguro Social. Únete a nosotros para echar por tierra cuatro de los mitos más conocidos en cuanto a cómo funciona, cuáles son los requisitos e incluso, si seguirá existiendo en el futuro.