Social Security basics

7 min read
At what age should I take Social Security?
Here are key factors that come into play when you’re considering the best age to file for your Social Security retirement benefits.

5 min read
Who is eligible for Social Security and spousal, and survivorship benefits?
A range of people, including current and former spouses and dependent children, may be eligible for Social Security benefits.

3 min read
What will Social Security look like when you retire?
Planning for retirement includes lots of considerations, including how Social Security may change over time.
Retirement planning

5 min read
What is retirement income and how to create a plan for yours
By building retirement income that’s from diverse sources, you can help ensure you’re able to fund your post-work years.

Retirement planning for millennials: How to get started and make progress
There are hurdles for millennials to save for retirement, but there are also steps that can help ensure retirement savings for people in their 30s and 40s becomes a habit.

5 min read
Map out your retirement budget (our free interactive worksheet can help)
Not sure how your spending in retirement will compare to your income? Let’s work through making a budget step by step, using an interactive worksheet you can take to your financial professional.
Investing insights

3 min read
What’s investment risk and risk tolerance (and how to navigate them both)
Risk accompanies all sorts of activities, including investment. What types of risks may impact your retirement and savings accounts?

4 min read
5 reasons variable annuities may be a good idea for your retirement
A variable annuity can help guarantee income in retirement. Here are five reasons why—plus how to stay aware of the many details.

7 min read
What is asset allocation and how does it work?
You need just the right mix of investments to help meet your financial goals. Explore ideas to create an asset allocation plan that’s right for you.